Wednesday 19 November 2014

Back in action

Back to blogging...

It's been over a year since my last blog post, and a lot has happened since then! I actually don't know where I should begin, and I think that's the very reason why I haven't been on my blog or posted anything in so long. I couldn't bare the thought of going backwards, reading old posts, and trying to create new and exciting posts without much thought!

My life over the past two years has been a whirlwind of adventures, including celebrations, challenges, more challenges, moving countries, travelling and some wonderful achievements. I think that I have been so busy catching up and adjusting to everything, that I am only now catching my breath. The positive being that I am also able to reflect on the past two years, which has in turn given me so much inspiration and an abundance of,  'living life to the fullest' experiences to write about!

With this, my life (and lessons) have been an experience I could have never imagined, but in saying this, I wouldn't take back or reverse a thing! Every experience and situation has brought me right to this point...where I am today...writing this post...and finally back in action!